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Company address

The Dock Yard, Quay St,
Killybegs, Donegal

Company details

Channels Supplied:

  • Foodservice
  • Retail
Seafood company based in Donegal. They produce Irish Caught Albicore Tuna - the only Irish Tuna in Jars. Also produce top-end canned mackeral and sardines.Competed in the Food Academy programme in the Leitrim LEO. The company now has nationwide distribution as well as a lucrative on-line business. Export markets include UK, Europe and soon to launch into the US.
Why Us

Albacore Tuna is one of the main fisheries of the South-west coast’s economy and is one of the species of greatest commercial interest. Our fishermen catch the tuna using traditional methods, coupled with the traditional preparation of our products guarantees their quality and freshness, providing maximum flavour and exquisite taste.
Albacore is one of the smaller species of tuna, reaching sizes somewhere between the skipjack and yellowfin. Like all tuna, Albacore is a rich source of complete protein, selenium and vitamin B-12. Their soft pink flesh, however, is more moist and delicate than that of many other species of tuna. In addition, Albacore contains significantly more Omega-3 fats. Omega-3s normalise and regulate cholesterol levels and greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.
Furthermore, all of our tuna is hand-filleted and hand-packed in olive oil. Olive oil, like omega-3, has been shown to help prevent heart disease, as well as provide anti-oxidants that keep your hair and skin hydrated and healthy.

Our product range

Tuna, sardines and mackerel

Markets supplied
  • Europe
  • Ireland
Our Accreditations
  • Origin Green Verified
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